Thursday, May 5, 2011

New Group at ARE for Multicultural Fiction

Hi ladies,
Slowly but surely the Romance community at large is beginning to recognize the authors and the readers of Multicultural Romance. Whether you enjoy paranormal, contemporary, historical authors of multicultural romance, the genre needs your support. ARE ( features most of your favorite authors. Now they have a group section dedicated to our genre, for readers and authors to comment and share.

Why should you care?

Ever read a IR book and wonder what are they thinking? Want to speak to the author or others about the book in detail?

Do you know of a author who writes original Multicultural Romance, that isn't featured in most forums you frequent and want to spread the word? 

Are you tired of not seeing diversity in Romance, and finding less and less of your favorite authors represented by not just e-publishers but big publishers at large?

Well a minute or two out of your time to sign up, and support this genre, can not only help your favorites but make a statement that we want and demand more.

I implore you to please stop bye and sign up, and introduce yourself. Tell everyone. It's my hope that this forum will exceed even ARE's expectations and be a place that publishers discover talent too.