I'm so happy! Tonight I learned that Buttercup has been nominated for the Romantic Times 2011 Indie Erotic Fiction Award. Last year I attended the Romantic Times Convention. It was my first. There I met and spoke at length with Brenda Jackson, LA Banks and Delilah Devlin. As a small independently published author I sat in awe of some of the mega house talent around me and the publishing houses. I never considered myself a contender, but I sure as hell proudly shared with everyone I could who I am and what my work is about.
Tonight another author sent me an email. It said 'Congratulations'. I was confused by the email and contacted her asking what she congratulated me about. I had no idea. I know I may not win, to be honest there are some heavy hitting authors in the same category. And big name publishing houses as well. But damn it, I finally get what it means when someone says: It was great just to be nominated!
Please visit the RT and leave a comment on my nomination if you've read the book! Every thing counts! Buttercup Review